The color of the iris is either part of the human eye: brown, green, gray, blue, or a combination of colors such as yellow or hazel. The only part of the eye, which is of course aware of the sclera. So when people come to a person whose entire eye appears "white", they could be extrapolated. There is no need for such a reaction as "White Eyes" are not the result of a strange disease, but white contact lenses. What are white > Lenses? White contact lenses are special types of color contacts, which appear white to the eye. They come in three varieties: those that no special effects, ones that glow in the dark, and those that cover the entire eye, blinding it.
The most common white contacts are those that contain no special effects. It only covers the iris so the pupil (the black circle of the eye), still present. This type of contact> Lenses can cover any kind of iris, including those who naturally very dark. Are appearance-wise, while they know they are generally not as white as the sclera around the iris. In essence, they just make your eyes look as a very bright irises.
The second type of white contacts actually glows in the dark. How white does not offer any special effects contacts that glow in the dark white contacts only for the iris and not the students. In contrast to the white contacts without specialEffects that glow in the dark white contacts offer an impressive appearance. One reason why many people tend to seek this type of contact lenses during Halloween or for theater purposes. It is important to note that despite the fact that the lenses can also be seen in the dark influence, it represents a vision not in any way, unless they have been corrective lenses in the first place. Even then, their benefits are no different than any other type of corrective actionLenses.
The last type of white contact with the most unusual, as they complete-Make eyes appear white. This means that they cover both the iris and the pupil, so that only the dermis show. They offer no correction will benefit, yes, they actually blind eye to people with normal vision and those with developmental disabilities visual impairments. For this reason, these contacts are to be borne with caution. They are best used in a situation where you want to create an effect even scary for a very short period of time.
Are the above-mentioned white contact lenses sound interesting? To receive one of the white contact lenses in this article, a person should contact their optometrist described. This is the case even in those without eye problems, since the wearing of contact lenses of all types have the potential to the eyes, if not properly installed damages. The process of introducing white ContactGo faster> lenses from the optometrist, a person should first examine the company, the white contact lenses. and are examples of sites you can search to find the common brands of white contact lenses.