Did you know that there are different types of bifocal contact lenses? If you) presbyopia (trouble focusing on near objects and to find out on the search for effective treatments for nearsightedness and farsightedness in order to read more. There are at least 3 different types of bifocal contact lenses and this article will explain the different styles and you can make the best decision for your own lifestyle.
Perhaps you have heard the terms multifocalContacts, progressive, or even translate aspheric lenses. These terms refer to the different lens designs used to do the same, so you see clearly near, far and all distances in between.
No need to suffer from blurred vision, headaches, eye strain or eye fatigue. No need to wear bulky glasses anymore, now you have a choice. OK on the different styles of bifocal contacts.
Aspheric Multifocal Contact Lens
Alsoknown as progressive contact lens, this design works more progressive lenses is that different legislative powers through the lens so you see clearly at all distances away. These lenses require a period of adjustment to get to the eyes, finally, ignore the proximity to where to far objects and vice versa. Depending on your needs vision correction, the center of the lens is close to the eyes and the outer part of the lens forto achieve.
Concentric Contact Lenses
Also ring-shaped contact lens known to have these contacts, an arrangement of rules in a Bulls Eye pattern, in which they alternately close to thick to far. Depending on your vision of the center of the lens may be needed for either the near or far vision to be developed.
Translating Bifocals Contact Lenses
These lenses work much like bifocal eyeglasses. There aretwo distinct prescription areas, one for near vision and the other for distance. May, depending on your visual needs of the lens, either near or far vision at the top or bottom margin. Bifocal contact lenses tend to blink when you turn to avoid the lens from rotating downwards, is weighted (ballast) and / or flattened (truncated). This helps to keep the lens in the correct position.
Which one is right for you? It really depends on your lifestyle and in what situations youusually does using your bifocal contacts. Your eye doctor or eye care professional will guide you through what will be best suited for your situation.
It is very important that you are properly fitted for your bifocal contacts from your eye doctor, or if you could slip to flash your lens causes your pupils to distorted vision. Your doctor will also teach you how to deal with them as they set on how to remove them, and how to wash them (if necessary).He / she will also tell you if they are disposable and if you are not the right contact lens solution for your specific needs.
Contact lenses are a medical device and you need a recipe, especially when your bifocal contact lenses online can buy. Many of the largest contact lens manufacturers offer free samples and you can use to your advantage to see which brand feels best.
I hope you found this article onbifocal contact lens types informative. Here is your clear vision near, far and all distances in between.
Happy contact lens hunting.