วันพุธที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

How to Insert Contact Lenses Without Hurting Your Eyes

Inserting contact lenses is not a skill that most people have by nature. It takes a little practice before you feel comfortable about the process. Just as "they" say, "Practice makes perfect." Do you love only "they"? "You have" the answer to everything. But in this case it's true. And it does not take much practice before you know how to use your lenses.

Contact lenses are medical devices must go the FDA requirements. If you have your contact lenses from scratch, they are sterile and free of bacteria or germs. Eye infections are the greatest risk for contact lens wearers. While there is no way to keep you in the position, such as on the first day they opened it clean, there are precautions you can take to keep your lenses clean and sterile as possible.

First, wash your hands before you enter your contact details > Lenses. Never handle your contact lenses with dirty hands. That is the surest way of transfer of bacteria from the hands to your eyes. And whatever you safe with a clean, lint-free cloth or a clean paper towel to be in the area you are inserting your lenses. Do not leave your contact information can be located in the valley, where it can collect any number of germs and bacteria. On the same note, even in an emergency, do not wash, "" Your > Contact us in your mouth. Saliva is full of bacteria and this practice can be a very serious eye infection that can cause very difficult to treat.

Once you shake with clean hands and a clean environment to relax your contact lens case to the facilities if they have adhered to the bottom or sides easily be the case. Do not try to pull a stuck lens with your fingers. The measure can tear tear the lens.

Insert the > Contact us in the palm. Squirt on some of the recommended cleaning and disinfecting solution, rinse it. Balance of the lens at the tip of either index or middle finger. It is best to have dry fingers, because the contact is not so easy to let go, if your fingers are wet.

Now, with the other hand, pull on the eyelid, in order to open wide your eyes. If you are not squeamish and you have no problem put something in your eye, you can> Contact lenses directly over your cornea. If you have a very strong blink reflex or you do not like the idea of inserting contact lenses directly to the eye, you can either upwards or to the side and place the lens on the white of the eye. Either way, once the contact stops the eye to adjust, not the fingers, blink a few times and the soft contact lens is located directly on your cornea. Then the same with the other eye.It is a bit of practice, but before you know it, it will be all about how you know, insert contact lenses.

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