วันศุกร์ที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Colored Multifocal Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are a good alternative to conventional eyeglasses. Normally they are placed on the cornea of the eye. A variety of colored contact lenses (both prescription and nonprescription) are on the market available today. They work better than any eye make-up. As the use of certain conventional contacts are colored contact lenses for astigmatism or bifocals.

Colored multifocal (or bifocal) contact lenses areincreasingly popular for several reasons. In addition to the correction brought near vision and distant future, they can improve throughout the color of the eyes or can be used to dark or light eye color. Since the lens is used for two different purposes, multifocal contacts are developed in different ways. In some species are far and corrective actions to see parts of the same surface of the lens. But in some other designs, the two parts are placed apart.

There are basically three common styles - theExchange, and concentric simultaneous vision style. In a change of lens, the distant vision correction on the upper half of the lens fixed, while the near vision correction is on the bottom. This arrangement allows you to look at distant objects, or see to read a book. In the simultaneous bifocal lenses, corrective measures are the two parts of the lens placed in the very center (close almost) to the pupil. In a concentric lens, the distant vision portion near the scalethe lens, while lying in the vicinity of corrective measures in the vicinity of the center.

Among the many possibilities for colored contacts visibility colors, improved color, opaque colors and light filtering tints. Visibility tint lenses have no effect on your eye color. Enhancement colors are used for the purpose of improving the natural eye color. Opaque color lenses are designed to change eye color, and consist of several small colored dots to achieve change the color. But it is clear, middle leftVision for the purpose. Light color filters are designed to enhance certain colors and reduce others.

pitch black contact lenses

